diagnosing children

Getting a diagnosis

Getting a diagnosis for a child

It’s vital to get a full assessment and diagnosis from a qualified and reliable professional or team of professionals using proper assessment tools.

A professional who is willing to rule in or rule out something like autism with only a cursory appointment is not following the recommended diagnostic protocol.

According to the NDIS autism should be diagnosed by “a specialist multi-disciplinary team, paediatrician, psychiatrist or clinical psychologist experienced in the assessment of Pervasive Developmental Disorders, and assessed using the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V)”.

While the diagnostic criteria for autism under the DSM-5 are consistent across Australia, the diagnostic process has not been. In late 2018 the National Guideline for the Assessment and Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Australia was released. The guidelines aim to provide a consistent approach for autism assessment and diagnosis across the country, relieving stress, confusion and lengthy delays for individuals on the spectrum and their families.

So, where can you go for an assessment?

There are both government funded and private assessment services available. Wait times for government funded services can be quite lengthy (12 months +), so we recommend where possible not to wait and access the assessment services of a private centre or clinician.  You’ll find a list of government funded assessment/diagnostic services by state here.

Your state-based autism association may also provide assessment services, or can point you in the direction of local clinics and services. We’ve listed the state-based autism organisations below.

There are Medicare rebates available to assist with the cost of seeking a diagnosis. You’ll find detailed information about medicare and other rebates in our financial support section.

Remember…you do not need a diagnosis to start early intervention! See here about the NDIS ECEI Pathway.

State-based autism associations

“As parents, we did not suspect anything until he started kindergarten”